dddancer.com: Home of the Freedom IDE and ASL - A Simple Language
Home of Freedom and ASL - A Simple Language
About this Website

This site is simple, and uses no cookies or active content. Many websites wrap sparse information in a carnival of off-topic jumping pictures and flashing text. Perhaps it's a personal rebellion, but I didn't do that. Information on this page stays put and we don't try to sell you a travel package or a search engine subscription.

The web code was written with Freedom, by hand in DHTML. Freedom lets me name swatches of HTML, so I can use the Freedom IDE to manage the site as a tree of code. Dozens of lines of HTML and Javascript are easily managed as tokens. The meta-language lets me apply a custom style across a range of pages with guaranteed consistency.

I made some cool web stationery and it looked good here, but friends with smaller screens or narrowband found it cumbersome. So I squeezed it down, axed the cool shaded effects and brutalized the artwork to make it load fast. The main image is a place holder I found in a boilerplate. I just tell people I look young in pictures.

This site will grow over time. I expect I'll add a forum. There will be code resources, Freedom add-ons, tips, techniques, and a bit of philosophy. I'll put up some screen shots of course, and links to collaborators. All this takes a bit of time, so bear with me and check back in a few weeks.

In the meantime, if you just gotta have Freedom, if you want more information, or you have information to share, please send an email to the address at bottom right.

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Contact us for more info.