dddancer.com: Home of the Freedom IDE and ASL - A Simple Language
Home of Freedom and ASL - A Simple Language
Freedom:    The ultimate program development environment

Freedom works with your programs in your language/environment.
Freedom works with your existing tools.
Freedom lets you write programs ten times faster.

Our promise to you:

1) Your productivity will increase on your very first day.
2) You’ll never go back.

How it Works

Big programs are hard to understand. To change a program, you have to find the right place to change. You have to understand what you find there and how your change will affect other parts of the program.

Freedom lets you represent swatches of logic with simple names. These names add nothing to the program, but like headings, they make your program easier to read.

Nests of names become a tree of logic. Freedom lets you surf this logical tree to get to a particular part of the program. The program is still a list of lines but your nested logic is an index. You quickly find the right place then view it in a clear context where you can easily see what’s going on.

Surfing the tree is really easy so you get to the right place faster. What you find there is short and easy to understand so you don't get bogged down. It adds up to lots more productivity for you.

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